Excuse me, what the heck is dramaturgy?

 GREAT QUESTION! IT’s a weird word, right?

dram·a·tur·gy/ˈdraməˌtərjē,ˈdräməˌtərjē -

(n.) the work of a dramaturg

dram·a·turg /ˈdraməˌtərɡ -

1. (n.) a person who provides context about a work before, during, and after a theatrical production process via research and deep inquiry, and then uses that context to facilitate meaning-making for creative teams, audiences, and institutions (Typically we call this a “production dramaturg”, and production dramaturgs traditionally work in theatres, but I’ve also applied this kind of dramaturgy to public facing documents at Dallas City Hall and performance art curation.)

2. (n.) a person who assists or facilitates the creation of new work, or elevating a new work to the best possible version of itself as imagined by the work’s creator. This can be done in a workshop setting, a world premiere rehearsal process, or in one-on-one coaching over a single session or a longer period of time. (This role is often compared to an editor of a newspaper, but we aren’t here to mark up your scripts or edit your spelling! I’ve also applied this kind of dramaturgy to my work in podcasts, television, and community engagement.)

3. My personal definition? - a dramaturg is your creative best friend. I view your work without judgement or criticism but with honesty. I’m here to support your work through anything and provide stability in times of distress or crisis. I’m here to inspire it to be the best it can be with the understanding that it takes time, and there are some lessons we have to learn on our own. I am here to listen and learn it inside out. And, when your work starts dancing on tables, I’m here to sit it down, get it some water and help it find it a safe way home.

“Dramaturgs” are typically associated with theatre, but exist across many industries under different titles. Some might call me a creative producer, a writer/researcher, a story or script editor, a writing assistant, or a curator. (Autocorrect calls us “drama turkeys” which I like even better, personally).

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